Simulates transcribing a video with DanSpeech

This is an example where a full video (converted to .wav) is being transcribed as it would be transcribed in a setting where the input was a source with chunk size 1024 (think of a microphone).

This specific example was used to transcribe a “Udvalgsmøde” from Folketinget (Danish Parliament) with offset 18 seconds.

The result can be seen in Udvalgsmøde result

Note that the video needs to be converted to the correct format. See below:

  • First convert your video to .wav in the correct format

  • Example using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 video_audio.wav
from danspeech import Recognizer
from danspeech.pretrained_models import Folketinget
from danspeech.language_models import Folketinget3gram
from import load_audio

import numpy as np

import argparse

# First convert your video to .wav in the correct format
# Example using ffmpeg:
# ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 video_audio.wav
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DanSpeech simulate transcribing video')
parser.add_argument('--wav-path', type=str, required=True,  help='Path to the .wav file which you wish to transcribe')
parser.add_argument('--gpu', action='store_true', help='Whether to use danspeech with GPU (Recommended)')
parser.add_argument('--offset', type=int, default=0, help='Offset in seconds. Start video not from start')
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, default="", required=False,
                    help='path to write the results. (from where the script is run)')

def pretty_format_seconds(seconds):
    minutes = str(int(seconds / 60))
    remaining_seconds = str(int(seconds % 60))
    if int(remaining_seconds) < 10:
        remaining_seconds = "0" + remaining_seconds

    return "{0}:{1}".format(minutes, remaining_seconds)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    model = Folketinget()
    lm = Folketinget3gram()
    recognizer = Recognizer(model=model, lm=lm, with_gpu=args.gpu, alpha=1.0471119809697471,
                            beta=2.8309374387487924, beam_width=64)

    # Load audio and do an offset start
    audio = load_audio(args.wav_path)
    offset = args.offset * 16000
    audio = audio[offset:]

    # Energy threshold. This can vary a lot depending on input
    energy_threshold = 600

    # Simulate a stream with chunk size 1024
    step = 1024
    iterator = 0

    # seconds of non-speaking audio before a phrase is considered complete
    pause_threshold = 0.55

    pause_buffer_count = np.ceil(pause_threshold / (1024 / 16000))

    # seconds of speaking before considering it a phrase
    phrase_threshold = 0.2
    phrase_buffer_count = np.ceil(phrase_threshold / (1024 / 16000))

    # Control variables
    is_speaking = False
    frames_counter = 0
    pause_count = 0

    if args.outfile:
        f = open(args.outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8")

    # Main loop
    while (iterator + step) < len(audio):

        # Get data
        temp_data = audio[iterator:iterator + step]

        # Simple energy measure
        energy = np.sqrt((temp_data * temp_data).sum() / (1. * len(temp_data)))

        # If energy is above, then speaking has started
        if energy > energy_threshold and not is_speaking:
            # General requirements for start
            is_speaking = True

            # We give the previous ~0.120 seconds with the output i.e. two frames just in case.
            start_index = iterator - 2*step

            # Must not be negative though
            if start_index < 0:
                start_index = iterator

        # add to iterator here!
        iterator += step

        if is_speaking:
            frames_counter += 1

            # Control whether we should stop
            if energy > energy_threshold:
                pause_count = 0
                pause_count += 1

        # This indicaes we should stop!
        if pause_count > pause_buffer_count and is_speaking:  # end of the phrase

            # now check how long the spoken utterance was disregarding the "not enough energy" pause count
            if (frames_counter - pause_count) > phrase_buffer_count:
                trans = recognizer.recognize(audio[start_index:iterator])

                # samples --> seconds --> pretty format
                start = pretty_format_seconds((start_index + offset) / 16000)
                end = pretty_format_seconds((iterator + offset) / 16000)
                out_string = "start: {0}, end: {1}, transcription: {2}".format(start, end, trans)

                if args.outfile:
                    f.write(out_string + "\n")

            is_speaking = False
            frames_counter = 0
            pause_count = 0


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery